Teachers are on the brink. 44% report burnout, feeling emotionally drained, detached, and ready to quit.

But it doesn't have to be this way. At DMR Coaching & Consulting, we offer unique solutions that go beyond traditional methods to empower educators and create thriving classrooms.

What makes us different? We focus on the whole teacher, incorporating:

  • Movement: ‍Relieve stress and boost energy with our 90-minute professional development session and Beginners Yoga Online Course. ‍

  • Mindfulness: Cultivate inner peace and focus with our Workplace Wellness Program development support, available for 3-6 months.

  • Mindset: Build resilience and unlock potential with our mindset coaching for individuals or teams, also available for 3-6 months.

Choose your tier and empower your journey:

  • Focus on Movement: Get your body moving and rediscover joy.

  • Focus on Mindfulness: Find inner calm and improve focus.

  • Focus on Mindset: Build resilience and unlock your full potential.

Don't wait for burnout to win. Contact us today and start thriving!

Combat stress and cultivate resilience with affirmations, reframing exercises, journal prompts, and a personalized well-being checklist. CLICK HERE!

Awakening Joy in Education

Empower yourself and your classroom. Our program equips educators with proven tools and techniques to:

  • Ditch the burnout and feel energized with stress-busting strategies.

  • Develop unshakeable resilience to handle any classroom challenge.

  • Cultivate inner peace and focus for a calmer, more fulfilling teaching experience.

Ready to thrive? Download our free guide and see how our tiered program can transform your journey.

Anne Winkelman - Special Education Advocate

“Practicing yoga with Dawn kept my body healthy, but it also kept my mind healthy— and resilient. Working in education is rewarding; I wouldn’t want to be in any other field. But it is physically, mentally, and emotionally draining, and I really benefited from the safe space she created to recover, reset, and grow.”

The Empowered Educator Path

A Journey to Well-being & Success

Discover The Empowered Educator Path: Our unique program empowers educators through Movement, Mindfulness, and Mindset practices. This scientifically grounded approach promotes the following:

  • Reduced stress and anxiety

  • Improved focus and mental clarity

  • Enhanced resilience and well-being

Create a thriving work environment for your teachers and organization. Learn more about our framework and its benefits for your school.

“Ms. Dawn Rivers provided one of the most engaging and uplifting yoga presentations I have experienced thus far. Not only did she compliment others by adding her essence and natural spirit into the yoga movements she performed with the audience, but she exemplified the importance of self-care to them, as well. Ms. Rivers was easily embraced by the audience, and her presentation left the entire room feeling refreshed and renewed.”

— Tammi Lampkin, National Association of Blacks in Criminal Justice Conference