Blog Dawn M. Rivers Blog Dawn M. Rivers

Finding Your Flow: The Ultimate Guide to Finding Yourself

Uncover the transformative power of yoga as we delve into the art of "Finding Your Flow." Explore the profound connection between aligning mind, body, and spirit on the yoga mat and embarking on a journey of self-discovery in your daily life. Discover how mindfulness, breath, and well-being intersect in this holistic practice and learn to embrace every moment. Join us on a path of wellness, self-acceptance, and inspiration. Find your flow, and in doing so, find yourself.

Finding Your Flow: The Ultimate Guide to Finding Yourself

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, we often find ourselves yearning for a sense of balance, a refuge from the chaos, and a way to reconnect with our true selves. That's where yoga comes in – a timeless practice that has the power to guide us towards self-discovery and inner peace.

Yoga is more than just a physical activity.

Yoga is more than just a physical activity; it's a holistic approach to wellness that encompasses the mind, body, and spirit. It's about finding your flow, both on the mat and in life. In this blog, we'll explore the profound connection between finding your flow in yoga and finding yourself.

The Essence of Finding Your Flow

To find your flow is to be in sync with the rhythm of life, to be present in each moment, and to move gracefully through the challenges life presents. In yoga, finding your flow means aligning your breath, body, and mind. It's that magical state where your practice becomes a moving meditation, and every asana (pose) feels like a dance.

But it doesn't stop there. Finding your flow on the yoga mat is just the beginning. The true magic lies in how this practice extends beyond the mat and into your daily life. When you find your flow in yoga, you start to find yourself.

The Journey of Self-Discovery

Bro Gary, releasing tension

Yoga is a journey of self-discovery, a path to unraveling the layers of conditioning and rediscovering your authentic self. It's a process that encourages you to listen to your body, acknowledge your thoughts, and explore the recesses of your spirit.

Through the practice of mindfulness, you become more aware of your inner world. As you release physical tension in yoga poses, you also release mental and emotional tension. The mind becomes still, and in that stillness, you discover the whispers of your soul.

The Power of Breath

Breath is the bridge between the body and the mind, and it plays a central role in finding your flow. In yoga, you learn to harness the power of your breath to connect with your innermost self. Your breath becomes a guide, leading you deeper into your practice and ultimately, into yourself.

As you cultivate mindful breathing, you become more in tune with your thoughts and emotions. You learn to let go of the past and future, immersing yourself fully in the present moment. And in that moment, you find yourself – free from the weight of regrets and worries, free to explore your true potential.

Yoga as a Path to Well-Being

Finding your flow isn't just about spiritual exploration; it's also about physical and emotional well-being. Yoga is a tool for enhancing your overall health and vitality. It improves flexibility, strength, and balance. It reduces stress and anxiety. It nourishes your body and your soul.

But the beauty of yoga is that its benefits extend beyond the individual. As you find your flow and yourself, you become a beacon of light and inspiration to those around you. You radiate positivity, and your well-being becomes contagious, touching the lives of others.

Embarking on Your Yoga Journey

The journey of finding your flow and yourself through yoga is a deeply personal one. It's a journey that's guided by your own experiences and insights. It's a path of self-acceptance, self-love, and transformation.

So, whether you're a seasoned yogi or just beginning your yoga journey, remember that it's not about perfection; it's about progression. It's not about competition; it's about connection – connection with yourself and with the world around you.

Find your flow, find yourself

As you unroll your yoga mat and take those first breaths, remember that you're embarking on a journey of self-discovery and well-being. It's a journey where you'll find your flow and, in the process, find yourself. And that, my dear friends, is the ultimate gift of yoga.

Join Us on Your Yoga Journey

Are you ready to take the first step on your yoga journey? To find your flow, and in doing so, to find yourself? If you're curious, if you're ready for transformation, join us on this path of wellness and self-discovery. We're here to guide you, support you, and celebrate every step of your journey.

Find Your Flow, Find Yourself

With love and light,

Dawn M. Rivers

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Blog Dawn M. Rivers Blog Dawn M. Rivers

Diverse Brilliance

Discover the stories of trailblazing women of color entrepreneurs as we celebrate their innovative ventures and resilience. Join us in supporting diversity and empowerment in the business world. Explore their journeys with us.

Celebrating Women of Color Entrepreneurs and Their Inspirational Ventures

In the vibrant tapestry of the business world, women of color entrepreneurs and business owners weave threads of innovation, resilience, and inspiration.

These remarkable individuals have not only shattered glass ceilings but have built new horizons, creating businesses that resonate with diversity and empowerment. As someone deeply committed to fostering growth, I've had the privilege of working with many of these talented women, witnessing their journeys of determination and success.

Fashion by Yellowcake Shop

It's time to shine a spotlight on their achievements and support their ventures. Join me on this illuminating journey as we explore the stories and enterprises of these incredible women, and let's make a conscious choice to patronize, uplift, and celebrate their endeavors.

Your support is not just a purchase; it's an investment in a more inclusive and vibrant future.

Love and light, Dawn

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Unlocking Productivity: A Journey of Time Study and Goal Setting

In the whirlwind of our daily lives, time often slips through our fingers like grains of sand. But with the power of time study and goal setting, you can transform your days into a currency of purpose and fulfillment

In the bustling world of education, where every moment counts, mastering productivity is a must. As a former educator, yoga teacher, and mindset coach, I gained insight and reached my goals using time study techniques. I have harnessed the power of time study and dream setting to help teachers and professionals alike transform their daily routines into engines of efficiency and fulfillment. Join me on this enlightening journey as I explore the synergy between productivity, time study, and goal setting.

The Art of Time Study

Time is the most precious resource we possess. My approach begins with the art of time study, a practice that involves meticulously tracking how we spend our days. This isn't just about logging hours; it's about gaining deep insights into our routines and discovering hidden pockets of potential.

When you start tracking your time, you'll unveil patterns you never knew existed. Maybe you spend more time on administrative tasks than you thought, or perhaps you find that your creativity peaks during specific hours of the day. The goal is simple: knowledge is power. Armed with this data, you can make informed decisions about how to optimize your daily routine.

The Power of Goal Setting

Productivity isn't just about doing more; it's about doing what matters most. That's where goal setting comes into play. This approach to goal setting is more than a mere checklist; it's a strategic roadmap to your aspirations.

By setting clear, measurable goals, you can transform your newfound time insights into action. Whether you aim to enhance your teaching techniques, write a book, or pursue personal development, setting well-defined goals is the compass that keeps you on course.

The Synergy: Productivity in Action

Now, let's bring it all together. Imagine this: armed with your time study insights, you've identified those time-wasting habits that siphon away your precious hours. You've set ambitious yet achievable goals that align with your passions and dreams. What's next?

The synergy between time study and goal setting sparks the transformation.

  • You replace time-draining activities with those that nourish your productivity and well-being.

  • You delegate tasks that don't align with your strengths, freeing up more time for your goals.

  • You discover the magic of batching and organizing your day for maximum efficiency and creativity.

Prioritize Your Goals:

Not all goals are created equal. Learn how to prioritize your goals based on their impact and alignment with your long-term vision. Focus on those that will make the most significant difference in your professional and personal life.

  1. Time Blocking for Success: Explore the concept of time blocking, a technique that involves dedicating specific blocks of time to particular tasks or goals. This method can help you maintain laser-like focus on your priorities and reduce distractions.

  2. Celebrate Small Wins: Acknowledge and celebrate your achievements, no matter how small they may seem. Recognizing your progress along the way boosts motivation and keeps you on track to reach your larger goals.

  3. Adapt and Adjust: Productivity is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Be open to adapting your strategies based on what works best for you. Experiment with different techniques, and don't be afraid to adjust your goals as circumstances change.

  4. Mindfulness and Self-Care: Incorporate mindfulness practices and self-care routines into your daily life. A clear and relaxed mind is essential for productivity and effective goal pursuit. Taking care of your well-being is not a luxury but a necessity on your journey to success.

In the world of education and beyond, productivity is a lifelong journey. My approach, rooted in time study and goal setting, provides a practical framework to navigate this journey with purpose and clarity. By mastering the art of time management, setting meaningful goals, and harnessing their synergy, you'll not only enhance your productivity but also unlock the door to a more fulfilling and balanced life. It's time to transform your days and make every moment count.

Share your thoughts in the comments below on how you are using a time study tool to be more productive and reach your goals.

Unlock your path to greater productivity and goal achievement with our complimentary Time Study tool. Click the link below to access this invaluable resource and take control of your time!

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Embark on a Transformative 12-Week Yoga Journey: Setting and Achieving Your Goals

In the bustling landscape of modern life, it's easy to lose sight of our personal well-being and inner balance. The demands of work, family, and daily responsibilities often leave us feeling disconnected from our bodies and minds. Enter the 12-Week Yoga Journey Goal Worksheet – a powerful tool designed to guide you on a path of self-discovery, mindfulness, and achievement.

In the bustling landscape of modern life, it's easy to lose sight of our personal well-being and inner balance. The demands of work, family, and daily responsibilities often leave us feeling disconnected from our bodies and minds. Enter the 12-Week Yoga Journey Goal Worksheet – a powerful tool designed to guide you on a path of self-discovery, mindfulness, and achievement. In this blog, we'll explore the essence of this transformative journey and how it can empower you to set and conquer meaningful yoga goals.

The Essence of the 12-Week Yoga Journey:

Rooted in the teachings of renowned yoga instructor Dawn M. Rivers, the 12-Week Yoga Journey Goal Worksheet is a comprehensive roadmap for individuals seeking to enhance their yoga practice, both on and off the mat. This journey isn't just about mastering poses; it's about fostering a deeper connection between your body, mind, and soul. It's about recognizing that commitment to your practice is a commitment to your well-being.

Setting the Foundation:

The worksheet spans three core phases, each spanning four weeks, allowing for a steady progression toward your goals. Here's how the journey unfolds:

1. Foundation and Alignment (Weeks 1-3): Lay the groundwork for your journey by establishing a consistent yoga routine and focusing on perfecting fundamental poses. This phase sets the stage for proper alignment and an improved sense of body awareness.

2. Breath and Mindfulness (Weeks 4-6): Dive into the art of pranayama (breath control) and mindfulness techniques. Explore the profound connection between your breath and movement, and discover how these practices can infuse tranquility into your everyday life.

3. Progress and Personalization (Weeks 7-9): You'll set specific flexibility goals and challenge yourself to explore more advanced poses here. Tailor your practice to address your unique needs, fostering a sense of achievement and growth.

4. Embracing Yoga Philosophy (Weeks 10-12): Immerse yourself in the wisdom of yoga philosophy and integrate its principles into your daily life. This phase deepens your understanding of yoga as a holistic way of living.

The Power of Reflection and Affirmation:

Throughout each phase, the worksheet encourages introspection through a series of questions. Reflecting on your progress helps you understand the impact of your journey, fostering a sense of accomplishment and motivation. Additionally, powerful affirmations are woven into the process, reinforcing a positive mindset and a strong sense of purpose.

Recalibrate and Persist:

The 12-week journey is not a one-time endeavor. At the end of each phase, the worksheet prompts you to reassess your goals, adjust your focus if needed, and dive into the next phase with renewed determination. This iterative approach acknowledges that growth is a continuous process, and each cycle brings you closer to your aspirations.

The 12-Week Yoga Journey Goal Worksheet isn't just about achieving physical flexibility; it's about cultivating mental resilience, inner peace, and a profound sense of self. This transformative journey invites you to step onto your mat with intention, explore the depths of your practice, and emerge as a more empowered and connected individual. So, whether you're a seasoned yogi or just beginning your yoga adventure, embrace the 12-week journey and embark on a path of self-discovery, mindfulness, and achievement.

Are you ready to take the first step? Begin your transformative 12-week yoga journey today and unlock the potential that lies within you. Your mat is waiting – let the journey begin.

The Beginners Yoga course is waiting for you! Challenge yourself. Click the link to begin your journey.

***This worksheet was inspired by Brian P. Morgan's book, The 12 Week Year.***

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Blog Dawn M. Rivers Blog Dawn M. Rivers

Lost and Found in 2020

I began 2020 with an idea I called “2020 Equals 40 Events.” I like themes. To me, they make life feel more fun. ...And then COVID happened.

I began 2020 with an idea I called “2020 Equals 40 Events.” 

I like themes.  To me, they make life feel more fun. 

One year I wore yellow every day for an entire summer and called it “My Yellow Summer.” It even came to the point that my phone would buzz periodically with notifications from friends all over who had taken photos of themselves in yellow. I smiled as I saw the #MyYellowSummer hashtag show up under their beautiful photos.

I didn’t know about chakras back then and how yellow is the color of the solar plexus and one’s internal power. At the time, I had recently divorced, and my self-esteem was extremely low. In the early stages of “My Yellow Summer”, I found myself frequently visiting my daughter in Washington, DC.

Intrinsically, I felt called to paint my nails yellow...and really that was what started it all. Something in me felt empowered that day-more than I had in a long time. The yellow tones of that summer gave me hope for the future and to close the summer out, I had a party and invited my friends to wear yellow to celebrate with me. 

I started this new chapter by going to museum exhibits, lectures, concerts, and movie premieres. I wanted to showcase our city and encourage women to learn to have fun on their own. 

...And then COVID happened. I was already uneasy because of the loss of income from resigning in the fall of 2019. My yoga studio was seeing fewer numbers from when I first opened in Fall 2018. However, there was a small light at the end of the tunnel. I was looking forward to hosting my first cohort of yoga teacher trainees. Money was tight...extremely tight. I found myself stewing in my nerves and anxiety. I found myself questioning if I had made the right decision to quit my job. On Friday, March 13, 2020, I sat in my office and let myself fall apart and cry. 

Dawn M. Rivers, Lost and Found in 2020

Dawn M. Rivers, Lost and Found in 2020

The state of Ohio started closing down businesses and putting in orders for people to stay at home. I decided to close the studio temporarily before the mandate came from the state. I had no idea what I was going to do. I had not planned for this. 

That morning, I sent an email out to the Daybreak Yoga community saying we were closing, and that I would be online with classes starting Tuesday, March 17th. Up until that time, I was already down one teacher and was teaching 70% of our classes in-studio without the extra support. Facing reality, I realized I would be teaching 100% of them online. Eventually, one of my two teachers agreed to teach online from her home.

Teaching Online

Teaching Online

Stressed is an understatement. I didn’t know what I was doing or really how to teach yoga online. It was hard to envision the future. Hard to see my way through let alone out.

Daybreak Yoga is in a working-class neighborhood of Bedford, Ohio, where yoga is known as “stretching exercise”. But, my purpose in choosing this location was to bring healing practices to those who needed it most. I was passionate about sharing what I learned with others to help them heal and grow. With the pandemic, it felt as though I lost all of that. I was breaking down. Fear was living with me every day. Sleep evaded me. Doubt had me shackled to failure.

Friends, teachers, and relationships were lost because of this pandemic. 

Income, resources, and hope were lost because of this pandemic.

Lives, livelihoods, and love were lost because of this pandemic.

Then the Black Lives Matter Movement exploded with the death of Breonna Taylor and George Floyd. People all over the world noticed the injustices in America. I was asked to share my opinion, be an ambassador, collaborate with other yoga teachers, and folks wanted to support black-owned businesses. My business. 

I was awarded three scholarships this pandemic: advance yoga teacher training, meditation training, best practices for yoga teachers. I connected with the yoga community again but as a student. I learned new ways to meditate. I started to move my body again under the instruction of an international yoga who I admire. I was reminded of my own story of why I came to yoga in the first place. It saved my life, again. 

I found hope again. 

I found my way out.

I found new community.

I remembered my purpose.

I remembered my smile. 

I remembered hope. 

This pandemic has been relentless, and it has shown me that I am resilient. My community has expanded. My resources have, too. What I learn, I share. That has always been my goal as a yoga teacher, a wellness practitioner. 

Originally written for Scare Your Soul’s Lost and Found in 2020 Challenge.

Additional resource:

How to Support Black Lives Matter Online

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